On October 31, 2018, I will be participating in a workshop to help ADR practitioners improve their skills and techniques.
The program – EFFECTIVE ADR ADVOCACY: Learn Expert Tips from Judges and Professional ADR Providers – will feature a faculty including Michigan Supreme Court Justice Bridget Mary McCormack; Kent County Judges Kathleen A. Feeney (Family Division), David M. Murkowski (Chief Judge, Probate Court), and Christopher P. Yates (Business Court), and three other ADR experts from Professional Resolution Experts of Michigan (PREMi).
Please consider attending this unique opportunity to hear from the Justice, the Judges and the ADR experts from PREMi. For more information and to register, click here.
Michigan's business courts continue to have a significant impact on litigation in our state. With an emphasis on efficiency and expediency, judges now encourage parties to exchange information and negotiate settlement earlier than ever, placing mediation, arbitration, and other useful ADR techniques squarely in the spotlight.
Richard Hurford, along with accomplished and well-recognized litigators and ADR practitioners Douglas Toering and Brian Wasson, recently led a discussion regarding the developments in the business courts, a program that was recorded and now available on demand through the Institute of Continuing Legal Education. For more information and to purchase access to the webinar, please visit the ICLE website.
The Michigan Judicial Institute, the State Court Administrative Office’s continuing education division, held its annual Judicial Conference on October 27-28 in Grand Rapids, and Richard Hurford was one of the speakers to take the podium.
This one day institute held on March 13, 2014, at the Inn at St. John’s is a must attend for neutrals, arbitrators and litigators. In addition to a mediation and arbitration track, ANDRI also has tailored a program for the specific needs of litigators and how best they might leverage ADR to serve the needs of their clients.
Don’t miss this extraordinary event and opportunity. For a full description of the offerings and to register please visit www.icle.org/ANDRI. Hope to see you there!